Apprenticeship Training Scheme Information

Industrial development is one of the prime needs for our Country. Great Stress has been laid on this factor in the various development plans of the country. The development and sustainable of industry needs trained personnel to perform the multifarious functions necessary for it. Acute shortage of manpower in the skilled categories is felt in many Industries. It has been realized that Apprenticeship Training Scheme is one of the most important sources of supply of skilled manpower to the industry. With this objective, the Apprentices Act 1961 was enacted in the parliament on 23rd December 1961. The Act came into force from 1st March 1962 and is applicable to the whole of India. Under the Act, it is a statutory obligation on Employers in the specified industries to engage apprentices as per ratio prescribed in the designated trades.

Apprenticeship Training Scheme Objectives

1. To regulate the programme of training of apprentices in industry so as to conform to the prescribed syllabi, period of training etc. prescribed by the Central Apprenticeship Council.
2. To utilize fully the facilities available in industry for imparting practical training with a view to meeting the requirements of skilled workers.
3. To make it obligatory on the part of employers, both in public-and private-sector industries, to engage apprentices according to the ratio of apprentices to workers ( other than unskilled) in designated trades, Prescribed under the rules. The training places are located through intensive surveys conducted in establishments. The objective being to locate the maximum facilities for apprenticeship training.